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Monday 2 November 2015

10 ways to Always look good.

1.Apply Morning Make up.
Wash the face with cold water in the morning, dry and apply your favorite facial moisturizer. Add on a powder, add blush to the cheekbones or bronzer if you prefer. Put on mascara in place of eye shadow and liner, add lip color or gloss, and you're ready to go and look great.

2. Get Enough sleep.
While getting the enough sleep may not seem like a big deal, getting under the recommended eight hours does have an effect on the way your look, act and appear. It may not seem like a big deal, but chances are if you can get it together enough to hit the pillow at a reasonable time and stay there for eight hours, you will have more energy and be more focused.

3.Make sure you are properly hydrated.
At least drink 8 glasses of water a day. Which is recommended in order to keep your self from becoming dehydrated. Water is the ultimate beauty tool. Keep a bottle on hand around you and drink two glasses when you wake up to liven up the organs. Drink a glass before going to bed to lower heart attack and stroke risk by over half.

4. Have HeHealthy Looking lips.
Rich and smooth lips look healthy and nourished, while dried chapped lips can give the illusion of an unkempt or I'll person. Exfoliate lips with a bit of sugar on the finger or a toothbrush and make sure to seal with a beauty friendly brand of balm that won't dry the lips out.

5. Working out.
Exercise prompts the skin and your whole body to push out toxins so that the body is cleansed and looks healthier than ever.

6. Have a good hair day.
If you're having a good hair day, you're going to have a day where you're looking good. Go elaborate with the hair do's  that you can manage on your own or with the help of a friend.

7. Wear a outfit you like.
Wearing an outfit you like and feel comfortable in, helps you to feel confident and do good things. The more confident  you feel, the more that will translate through your face and that self esteem will impress people and make you look better than you already do.

8. Accessorize your look.
The simpler the outfit, the more bold you can go with accessories layered over each other, add a belt, wear pops of color to simply look phenomenal. A simple scarf, hat, sunglass es with a basic white T-shirt and jeans with sandals, can look positively phenomenal for relatively little effort.

9. Shape the brows.
The right set if brows can enhance your face, plucking is one way to shape them, but make sure to look up the right way to contour and shape brows in order to ensure you're doing it correctly. Instead of doing it yourself, you could get them professionally shaped at the salon with your choice of threading, waxing, or plucking.

10. Smile!
Wear a lovely smile always. My beauty secret is smile. Always wear a smile it makes you look younger☺younger☺.

 Use these simple ideas to look good everyday and every night and rule supreme, knowing that you're looking fabulous.

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